
One more american map card to my collection - Utah this time. Thank you Nicol for the swap!

This wonderful card came from France in a direct swap. I'm not a big fan of cats usually but this drawn card is just charming so I chose it. Thanks Laetitia!


Another map of New Zealand. Thank you Adrienne for the card!

This card came from Krasnoyarsk, Russia. It shows national reserve "Stolby" which is translates as pillars from russian. Thank you Sofia!


According to postcrossing site this card took 46 days to reach me but actually it was sent on October 26th or 16th - the stamp is not very clear, so it travelled not this long.
Anyway, it's an interesting story about this card: In 1914 a canadian Lt. Harry Colebourn purchased this bear. She was named Winnie after his hometown Winnipeg, Manitoba. Then the bear was moved to the London Zoo and her name was changed to Winnie the Pooh. A.A. Milne based his stories on this bear.
I had no idea about this story. Thank you Meg for the card!

Card with books from Lviv, Ukraine. It was written in ukrainian. I understand the language perfectly fine but to speak and to write it is another story. I was raised in eastern Ukraine where we studied ukranian in school but everyone was speaking russian, writing russian. So what left from my Ukranian is enough just for understanding.
Thank you Julia for the card!

A wonderful card of Table Mountain and Cape Town  below it. Thank you Nicholas for the swap!

this card was sent on august 19th 2013 and I got it just yesterday! Wow, it was traveling for so long, I wonder whether it just layed in some dusty corner in some post office and then suddenly was found and sent... Thank you Sherry for the map of California!


This card is from Germany, from an island in the northern part of the country. The girl wrote that she likes hearts so she decided to send one to me. Thank you Marie!

Great card from Finland! It's a card from a clothing shop located on a finnish farm. Thanks to Katri for this wonderful postcard!